Rehabilitation services are available at Tri Lake Animal Hospital & Referral Centre. Rehabilitation can play an integral part of your pet’s recovery by providing the right environment where:
Pain & discomfort are alleviated
Muscles are strengthened
Joint mobility is enhanced
Physical well-being is promoted
Fitness & weight loss are achieved
Why a Rehab Veterinarian?
Rehabilitation veterinarians have extensive education in the areas of rehabilitation, orthopedics, neurological dysfunction, myofascial disorders, as well as pain management. This can assist in treating your pet by designing a therapeutic plan that has been customized for their individual needs.
Conditions Commonly Treated
Post-operative orthopedics
Soft tissue conditions
Tendon & muscle injuries
Neurological conditions
Post-operative cases
Conservative management of intervertebral disc disease
Arthritis & geriatrics
Fitness & weight loss
Palliative care programs with a focus on pain management and supporting normal function
Services Provided
Rehabilitation consultations
Weight bearing analysis
Weight management counseling
Tailored home exercise plans
Manual therapy
Range of motion
Joint mobilizations
Therapeutic exercises
Thermotherapy & cryotherapy
Photobiomodulation (laser therapy)
Radial shockwave therapy
Myofascial trigger point therapy
Medical acupuncture
Electrical muscle stimulation
Neurological rehabilitation
Wheel chair fitting is available
Land-based & underwater treadmill
Gait training
Physical fitness
Orthotic (brace) & prosthetic devices (V-OP) by Orthopets
If you are concerned about your pets level of discomfort, physical well-being or their recovery process please speak to the rehabilitation service at VCA Tri Lake Animal Hospital & Referral Centre.